C Program to Count Vowels in a String using Pointers

In this article, we will write a C program to count vowels in a string using Pointers.

The program takes a string from the user as input and prints the total number of vowels in that string.

Sample input:

Enter a string: Hello, how are you?


The number of vowels in the string are: 7

In C programming language, a pointer is used to hold the memory address of a variable. When we assign a string to a pointer variable, it by default holds the memory address of the very first character of the string.

So, if we want to move to the next character of the string, we can increment the pointer by one. Similarly, to move to the previous character of the string, we can decrement the pointer by one.

The following C program shows how you can count the vowels in a string using pointers:

// C program to count vowels in a string using pointers
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    char str[100], * ptr;
    int vowelsCount;

    printf("Enter a string: ");

    // Pointer ptr points to first char of string
    ptr = str;

    // Runs until last char is reached
    while ( * ptr != '\0') {

        // Check if current character is a vowel(a,e,i,o,u) upper or lower case
        if ( * ptr == 'a' || * ptr == 'e' || * ptr == 'i' || * ptr == 'o' || * ptr == 'u' || * ptr == 'A' || * ptr == 'E' || * ptr == 'I' || * ptr == 'O' || * ptr == 'U') {

        // Move pointer to next character

    // Print the count of vowels
    printf("The number of vowels in the string are: %d", vowelsCount);

    return 0;



Enter a string: Hello, how are you?
The number of vowels in the string are: 7

Code Explanation:

  • The program takes the string from the user as input and stores it in the str array.
  • To get the string from the user, we used the gets() function instead of the scanf() function. This is because the scanf() function stops reading the string if it encounters a white space.
  • The statement ptr = str sets the pointer *ptr to the memory address of the first character of the string str.
  • The while loop runs until it reaches the last character of the string. In C, the last character of a string is always a null character '\0'.
  • Inside the while loop, we have put an if statement which checks if the current character that the pointer *ptr is pointing to is an uppercase or lowercase vowel. If yes, the vowel count increases by one.
  • In each iteration of the while loop, the pointer *ptr increases by one i.e. moves to the next character of the string.
  • Finally, the count of the vowels is printed on the screen using the printf() function.

Example 2: Using a Function with Pointers to Count Vowels

We can also create a user-defined function where we can put all our logic to count the vowels in a string. The function will take the string as an argument and will return the total number of vowels that the string has.

See the implementation in the below example:

// C program to count vowels in a string using pointers
#include <stdio.h>

// Function declaration
int countVowels(char * );

int main() {

    char str[100];
    int vowelsCount;

    printf("Enter a string: ");

    // Call the countVowels() function
    vowelsCount = countVowels(str);

    // Print the count of vowels
    printf("The number of vowels in the string are: %d", vowelsCount);

    return 0;


// User-defined function to count vowels
int countVowels(char * ptr) {

    int count = 0;

    // Runs until last char is reached
    while ( * ptr != '\0') {

        // Check if current character is a vowel(a,e,i,o,u) upper or lower case
        if ( * ptr == 'a' || * ptr == 'e' || * ptr == 'i' || * ptr == 'o' || * ptr == 'u' || * ptr == 'A' || * ptr == 'E' || * ptr == 'I' || * ptr == 'O' || * ptr == 'U') {

        // Move pointer to next character

    return count;


Enter a string: Hello, how are you?
The number of vowels in the string are: 7

Thanks for reading.


  • Manoj Kumar

    Hi, My name is Manoj Kumar. I am a full-stack developer with a passion for creating robust and efficient web applications. I have hands-on experience with a diverse set of technologies, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB.

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