CSS text-decoration-color
property specifies the color of the text-decoration line. The color value can be specified in any valid CSS color formats like ‘color name’, ‘HEX’, ‘RGB’, ‘HSL’, etc. See the example below:
.p1{ text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-color: red; } .p2{ text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-color: #3215eb; } .p3{ text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-color: rgb(21, 235, 28); }
CSS Syntax
The text-decoration-color
property has the following syntax:
text-decoration-color: color|transparent|initial|inherit;
Property Values
The text-decoration-color
property accepts the following values:
color | Sets the color of the decoration line. It can be any valid CSS color. The default value is currentColor. |
transparent | Sets a transparent decoration line. |
initial | Sets the text-decoration-color property to its default value(currentColor). |
inherit | Inherits the text-decoration-color property from the parent element. |
General Info
Default Value | currentColor |
Inherited | No |
JavaScript Usage | element.style.textDecorationColor = “blue” |