CSS visibility
property is used to show or hide an element.
Unlike the display:none;
, the hidden element still remains as a part of the document and occupies the same space as it did when visible. See the example below:
h2{ visibility: hidden; }
The visibility property can also be used to show or hide rows and columns in a table.
To hide a row or column in a table use visibility: collapse;
. See the example below:
.collapse{ visibility: collapse; }
CSS Syntax
The visibility
property has the following syntax:
visibility: visible|hidden|collapse|initial|inherit;
Property Values
The visibility
property accepts the following values:
visible | The element remains visible. This is the default value. |
hidden | The element becomes hidden. However, it still occupies the same space. |
collapse | Hides the table elements. Such as rows, columns, table body, etc. |
initial | Sets the visibility property to its default value(visible). |
inherit | Inherits the visibility property from the parent element. |
General Info
Default Value | visible |
Inherited | Yes |
JavaScript Usage | element.style.visibility = “hidden” |