Delete All Documents in a Collection in MongoDB Using Python?

To delete all documents from a collection in MongoDB, you can pass an empty object {} to the delete_many() method.

The delete_many() method is generally used to delete multiple records at once from a collection that matches a given condition. But, when we pass an empty document {} to it, it clears the entire collection.

The following example deletes all documents from the student collection:


Below is a sample Python program to delete all documents from the student collection:

from pymongo import MongoClient

# Connect to the database
mongoClient = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')

# Access the school database
db = mongoClient['school']

# Delete all documents from student collection

Delete All Records from a Collection using MongoDB Shell

If you want to delete all records from a collection using the MongoDB shell, you can pass an empty document {} to the deleteMany() method.

The deleteMany() method also works like the delete_many() method of the pymongo package.

The following example deletes all records of the student collection using the deleteMany() method:


Here is a sample image that shows the deletion of records from a collection using MongoDB shell:

Delete all documents from a collection using mongo shell

Deleting Multiple Records from a Collection that Match a Condition

You can also delete multiple records from a collection using the delete_many() method that match a given criteria.

Here is the syntax:

db.collectionName.delete_many({<field1>: <value1>, <field2>: <value2>, ... })

The following example deletes all the students from the student collection that has gender=”Male”:

# Delete all documents that has gender='Male'
db.student.delete_many({'gender': 'Male'})

Deleting Only One Record that Matches the Given Condition

If you want to delete only a single document that matches a given condition, you can use the delete_one() method.

The delete_one() method is almost similar to the delete_many() method, the only difference is that it deletes only a single record even if multiple records match the given criteria.

The following example deletes a single record from the student collection that has the status field value “D”:

db.student.delete_one({"status": "D"})

On deletion of the matching record, the delete_one() method returns a instance of the pymongo.results.DeleteResult with the status of the operation i.e. whether the record is deleted or not.


In this article, we learned how we can delete all documents from a collection in MongoDB.

In summary, deleting all records from a collection is quite easy in MongoDB. If you are using the pymongo package of Python, you can pass an empty object {} to the delete_many() method to delete all records from the collection.

If you are using MongoDB shell, you can pass an empty object {} to the deleteMany() method.

Thanks for reading.


  • Manoj Kumar

    Hi, My name is Manoj Kumar. I am a full-stack developer with a passion for creating robust and efficient web applications. I have hands-on experience with a diverse set of technologies, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB.

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