The display: none;
and visibility: hidden;
both are used to hide elements in CSS. However, the way they hide elements is totally different.
When we apply visibility: hidden;
on an element, it becomes invisible but still takes up the same space as it was taking while visible.
The display: none;
on the other hand completely removes the element from the document. Therefore the element no longer takes up any space on the page.
See the live demo below:
Try out the following example for more clarification:
.hide{ visibility: hidden; } .remove{ display: none; }
The difference between visibility: hidden;
and display: none;
is that the visibility: hidden;
only makes the element invisible. But the element still reserves its actual space on the page.
The display: none;
on the other hand completely removes the element from the document. So, the element does not take up any space after it’s hidden.