How to Disable a Button After Clicking in Angular?

To disable a button after clicking in Angular, you can bind the disabled property to a flag(for eg. isClicked) in your ts file. Keep this flag false by default and set it to true whenever the button is clicked.

To keep track of whether the button is clicked or not, you have to add an event handler to the button.

Now, whenever someone clicks on the button, the flag becomes true and therefore the button becomes disabled instantly as it is bound with the disabled property.

<button [disabled]="isClicked" (click)="doSomething(); isClicked=true;">Click Me</button>

If your ts file you have to declare the isClicked flag and the click event handler method doSomething():

isClicked: boolean = false;

  // Write your stuff here

You can also set the isClicked flag to true inside your doSomething() click event handler method. This will also disable the button after clicking.

Here is the updated template file:

<button [disabled]="isClicked" (click)="doSomething();">Click Me</button>

And here is the updated doSomething() function:

isClicked: boolean = false;

  this.isClicked = true;

  // Write your stuff here

Solution 2:

An alternative solution could be to pass the $event inside the click event handler function and then set the button’s disabled property to true using the

Here is what you need to add to your template file:

<button (click)="doSomething($event);">Click Me</button>

And here is the updated doSomething() function:

doSomething(event:any){ = true;
  // Write your stuff here


  • Manoj Kumar

    Hi, My name is Manoj Kumar. I am a full-stack developer with a passion for creating robust and efficient web applications. I have hands-on experience with a diverse set of technologies, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB.

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