Python id() Function

The id() function in Python returns the identity of an object. This integer id actually represents the address of the object where it is stored in the memory. This id remains constant during the lifetime of the object. This means if you rerun the program the id value is not guaranteed to be the same.

name = 'John'

print('id of name is: ', id(name))

# Output
# id of name is:  139697701582896

Syntax of id()

The syntax of the id() function is as follows:


Parameters of id()

The id() function accepts only one parameter:

  • object – The object whose identity has to be returned

id() Return Values

The id() function returns an integer value which represents the address of the object in the memory.

Python id() for Literal Values

A literal is raw data assigned to a variable or constant in our program. All literals in Python are objects. This means they definitely have a unique identity. Let’s see if they do have an Id associated.

Example :

# Id of integers

# Id of float numbers

# Id of string values



Note: The value of Id can differ on your computer.

Python id() for Variables

Similar to literals, variables are also objects in Python. These variables also have a unique Id. The length of the Id depends on the type of data stored in the variable.

Example 1: When the values stored in the variables are different

If values(data) stored in variables are not the same, the Id of each variable will be unique. See the example below:

a = 10
print('Id of a: ', id(a))

b = 20
print('Id of b: ', id(b))


Id of a:  9788896
Id of b:  9789216

Example 2: When the values stored in variables are exactly the same

If two or more variables in Python contain exactly the same value(data), it is guaranteed that their Id would be exactly the same. Python does this to minimize the memory space used by our program. This is known as caching in Python.

a = 10
print('Id of a: ', id(a))

b = 10
print('Id of b: ', id(b))


Id of a:  9788896
Id of b:  9788896

You can try out other values also. The variables having the same values will have the same Id value.

Python id() for Immutable Objects

In the previous example, we saw that the id() function returns the same Id if two variables contain the same value. But, now the question arises will it work for other data types also?

Well, In simple words, Python caching is performed only for immutable objects. This means if two or more immutable objects(like strings, tuples, floats, numbers) have the same values(data), It is guaranteed that their Id would definitely be the same.


# Id of strings
str1 = 'abc'
str2 = 'abc'

print('Id of str1: ', id(str1))
print('Id of str2: ', id(str2))

# Id of tuples
tuple1 = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
tuple2 = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

print('nId of tuple1: ', id(tuple1))
print('Id of tuple2: ', id(tuple2))


Id of str1:  139738371420848
Id of str2:  139738371420848

Id of tuple1:  139738371156304
Id of tuple2:  139738371156304

You can easily observe from the above output that the strings and tuples having the same data have the same Id value.

Python id() for Mutable Objects

In the last example, we saw that if two or more immutable objects contain the same data, their Id will be exactly the same. Does the same rule apply to mutable objects also? Well, the answer is no.

Mutable objects(lists, sets, dictionaries, etc) always have a unique Id irrespective of the data they contain. This means even if two mutable objects have exactly the same data, their Id would never be the same.


a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [1, 2, 3, 4]

print('Id of a: ', id(a))
print('Id of b: ', id(b))

print(id(a) == id(b))


Id of a:  140021326610112
Id of b:  140021325973952

Python id() for Custom Objects

Similar to mutable objects, the Id of custom(user-defined) objects is always unique even if they contain exactly the same data.


class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age  = age
student1 = Student('John', 23)
student2 = Student('John', 23)

print('Id of student1: ', id(student1))
print('Id of student2: ', id(student2))

print(id(student1) == id(student2))


Id of student1:  140324975477952
Id of student2:  140324974844080


  • Manoj Kumar

    Hi, My name is Manoj Kumar. I am a full-stack developer with a passion for creating robust and efficient web applications. I have hands-on experience with a diverse set of technologies, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB.

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